About Us

Our Identity

At Blackmont Strategies, our innovative solutions set a new standard for audit, tax, accounting, and consulting services in Albania. Committed to excellence, we deliver global-quality services in a local context, harnessing the power of “and” to drive transformative change.

We operate in Tirana, Albania whilst externally collaborate with other professionals in London, Paris, Pristina, Skopje, Frankfurt, Rome, New York. Our team is London graduate, awarded with ACCA and Legal Auditor (IEKA) with Register No 521 in Albania.  



Our goal is to propel our clients toward sustainable growth and success. Together, we shape the future by Knowing the Greater Value.


Our Core Values

Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards, ensuring transparency, honesty, and professionalism in all our relationships.
Innovation: We pioneer bold solutions, embrace change, and challenge conventions to redefine.
Excellence: We strive for excellence in everything we do, driving our clients towards sustainable growth and success.
Client-Centric Approach: We place our clients at the center of everything we do, striving to understand their challenges and objectives to offer unique solutions.
Collaboration: Collaboration is pivotal to our success. We place high importance on fostering collaboration among professionals and businesses to leverage diverse perspectives, expertise, and synergy.
Transparency: At the heart of all we do lies transparency, our guiding principle. It guarantees that every action we take is visible, accountable, and in perfect alignment with our deeply held values.


Our commitment to ESG is far more than a mere pledge; it is an inseparable part of our identity, meticulously integrated into our business practices to forge a more sustainable and responsible future for our stakeholders and the world.


Implementing energy-efficient technologies, supporting renewable energy investments, protecting and restoring natural ecosystems, and striving for paperless transactions and digitalization.


Providing pro-bono financial services to marginalized communities, the education industry, youth startups, and small family businesses. Offering financial education programs in universities. Partnering with local nonprofits, the public sector, and media to enhance auditing and tax convergence with accounting standards. Prioritizing employee well-being and work-life balance.


Implementing robust anti-corruption/bribery policies. Regularly auditing and enhancing compliance. Engaging external experts for best practices and informed decision-making.

Let’s Talk Business!

OR Call Us At:

+355 69 30 50 005

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